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Adventure Party Game: Signature Series Expansion

Adventure Party Game: Signature Series Expansion

The Signature Series expansion delivers 24 exciting new adventure scenarios penned by some of your favorite role-playing celebrities. Can you sweet talk a troll? Are you ready to battle the demon of sleep? Will you be able to retrieve your magic items by chasing down an interdimensional thief? Don't worry, even if you roll a "1", it isn't a failure - it's just hilarious!

Adventure Party Game: The Role-Playing Party Game

Adventure Party Game: The Role-Playing Party Game

Adventure Party delivers a robust role-playing experience that can be enjoyed within 2 minutes of explanation. In this cooperative guessing game, 3-6 players take the roles of adventurers in a classic fantasy role-playing world, facing monsters and attempting heroic deeds.

Over the course of 3 Adventure scenarios, the party will work together and collectively attempt to score the most. Experience Points possible. Players will take turns, rolling their 20-sided die in secret. Based on how well or poorly they rolled, they will describe what their character does; first outlining their plans and then describing the outcome of their actions. The goal of which is to provide enough detail so that the GM for that turn can GUESS the number they rolled as closely as possible, earning the entire party Experience Points.

Boop Board Game (On Order)

Boop Board Game (On Order)

A deceptively cute, deceivingly challenging abstract strategy game for two players. Every time you place a kitten on the bed, it goes "boop." Which is to say that it pushes every other kitten on the board one space away. Line up three kittens in a row to graduate them into cats... and then, get three cats in a row to win. But that isn't easy with both you AND your opponent constantly "booping" kittens around. It's like... herding cats! Can you "boop" your cats into position to win? Or will you just get "booped" right off the bed?

Boop The Halls Board Game (On Order)

Boop The Halls Board Game (On Order)

A deceptively cute, deceivingly challenging abstract strategy game for two players.

The Mensa award winning, Game of the Year, boop, is back with a new Holiday edition and has really leveled up game play (literally!!).

The hoomans are hanging ornaments on the highest boughs of the tree, but those clever cats are leaping up and boopin' them right off. You can win 'Naughty' by knocking off 3 of your opponent's ornaments or 'Nice' by lining up three cats in a row!

The 4-tiered game board ?tree' presents a surprisingly mind-bending 3D challenge for players. And the alternate win condition of knocking off 3 of your opponent's ornaments creates new strategic problems to solve, elevating the play experience to a new high!

Cutthroat Caverns Card Game Exp 3: Tombs and Tomes

Cutthroat Caverns Card Game Exp 3: Tombs and Tomes

TOMBS & TOMES follows in the footsteps of Relics & Ruins adding to the pool of EVENT CARDS and RELICS and delivering what may be the most deadly 15 new Encounters yet.

And to introduce all the fun new creatures, Relics and Events to players - our latest innovation. Two full blown, RPG-style ADVENTURE MODULES that add richness and depth to gameplay with a full story arc, added winning and losing conditions, a decision tree at every turn and a host of new activities between the Encounters. All one-shots, but they are a blast to play.

Cutthroat Caverns Card Game Exp 5: Death Incarnate

Cutthroat Caverns Card Game Exp 5: Death Incarnate

Enter the Realm of the Incarnations. Face the very essence of Anguish, Pride, Hope and Despair. Take up sword against all four Horsemen of the Apocalypse - including Death himself. If Fortune is by your side, you may just come out alive and wealthy beyond imagining.

Welcome back to Cutthroat Caverns, the semi-cooperative game of kill-stealing and backstabbing in a deadly dungeon. Death Incarnate is an expansion dedicated to the most feared encounters in the game, the Incarnations. Here their numbers are more than doubled, new events are themed for their spheres of influence, and legendary relics are imbued with their incredible powers - one for each Incarnation since you first braved the caverns. Embark on a quest and see whether you are cutthroat enough to become its very Incarnation.

HIFI Board Game

HIFI Board Game

In 1974, the band The Meeples broke up during the recordings for the "Vinil" album. The A-side of the unfinished album quickly became cult-followed by fans and critics around the world, turning into one of the most intriguing legends of rock-and-roll history. Fifty years later, the band has finally reunited to finish the B-side with the help of a team of the best musical producers in show biz. That's you!

So get into the studio and strategically place audio cards on the song tracks to earn points, achieve objectives and gain bonus actions. Tactics can turn on the fly as opponents remix the board for their own goals leaving you to rethink your strategy. In the end, whoever accumulates the most points will be hailed as the greatest producer in music history.

In HiFi, players start their turn by spinning the record's rondel on the turntable to choose an action within their reach, or they can spend production points to achieve one of the other actions. After resolving these actions, players allocate audio cards to the five studio tracks, earning points based on the buttons in that producer's equalization track and what's in the studio track. When a player allocates a guitarist card, each player who collaborated with the equalization of the guitar earns points. When elements such as sound wave or time-track positions match, players can perform bonus actions.

Each round represents a song recorded on the A-side of the album that will help players gather information to aid B-side recordings. After listening to all of the songs on the A-side - 6-8 rounds depending on the player count - the game ends. Whoever contributed most effectively to the construction of the tracks on the album's B-side wins.


  • Box becomes a rotating turntable, which functions as the Action Selector for the game.
  • Stunning graphics and amazing table presence stop traffic and draw players in.
  • Pattern matching, tactical puzzle game that isn't over until all the final recording bonuses are awarded.
  • The Night Cage Board Game: Shrieking Hollow Expansion

    The Night Cage Board Game: Shrieking Hollow Expansion

    You awake in the dark with nothing but a candle and... have you done this before? The deja vu is less troubling than the change it implies. Was the ground always this unstable around you? When the tunnels crumbled into pits, did they always scream? And why does it feel like those screams are getting closer? Shrieking Hollow is an expansion that adds a new threat and a new space to explore within The Night Cage. Pits now connect prisoners to the Hollow, where The Other lies in wait.

    Over the course of play, The Other will rise up out of the Hollow and attack the prisoners, destroying any part of the maze it encounters. If the prisoners are brave, they can leap into a pit and fall to the bottom of the Hollow where the dim light of their candles will stop its advance, temporarily. However, they can't hold it back forever, and prisoners that stay too close to The Other will be attacked when it lurches toward the flickering light it despises. If you are looking to increase the dread and horror of the original game, Shrieking Hollow is for you.