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Dungeon Crawl Classics #100: The Music Of The Spheres Is Chaos Boxed Set

Dungeon Crawl Classics #100: The Music Of The Spheres Is Chaos Boxed Set

This boxed set is bursting with the puzzles, foes, and magic only found in a DCC RPG adventure.

Inside you will find the God Eaters? grand alchymical experiment, with its spinning alembic and rotating elemental spheres. This takes the form of a large game board, approximately 17" x 22", with four separate spinning maps that attach to the board.

An adventure booklet of 112 pages provides hitherto unknown monsters, perils, and traps. These lurk in the forgotten corridors, certain to bring a quick end to overconfident explorers.

Players will have the opportunity to study and manipulate the fabled Alembic Key, a relic rife with Theophagic sigils and zodiac signs. But beware, foolhardy reavers! Rotating the key spins the dungeon, transforming the PCs and altering reality itself! Left in the hands of a fidgety player, it could easily spell the end of the multiverse. This physical prop is composed of two spinning dials and is used by players during the adventure.

And as befitting DCC #100, the adventure is replete with player handouts in the form of a 28 page booklet containing over 40 illustrations of the Alembic, its elemental spheres, and the terrors lurking within the dark halls, as well as the infamous Sheaves of Chaos.

Finally, any adventure is only as good as the judge running it. Music of the Spheres is Chaos was designed with the judge in mind. The boxed set includes the Bookmark of 4 Parts ? a tool for referencing the PCs? own changes.

Dungeon Crawl Classics #101: The Veiled Vaults Of The Onyx Queen (On Order)

Dungeon Crawl Classics #101: The Veiled Vaults Of The Onyx Queen (On Order)

A Level 0 Adventure for DCC RPG

The Queen?s Onyx Jubilee is set to begin, marking the 95th year of the merciful monarch?s glorious reign. While the entire realm celebrates the good fortune of their long-lived sovereign, a group of common villagers fights to stay alive. For them, the festivities have become a nightmare, as the sounds of revelry are replaced by screams of terror ? their own!

Imprisoned in opulence, marked for death, hunted by creatures both grotesque and foul. This ragtag group of unsuspecting villagers must band together to brave the vile mysteries that haunt this place and stand defiant in the face of death itself ? if they hope to escape the Veiled Vaults of the Onyx Queen and save their very souls!

This 0-level adventure funnel begins in media res with the characters awakening deep within an opulent palace where they are set to become unwitting sacrifices to the corpse-god Mordiggian. There they must piece together the clues as to their whereabouts, contend with a ghoulish death cult, stop a vile sacrament, close a gate to the underworld, and ultimately confront the Corpse-God himself ? if they want to escape the Charnel Palace and save their very souls.

Dungeon Crawl Classics #102: Dweller Between The Worlds (On Order)

Dungeon Crawl Classics #102: Dweller Between The Worlds (On Order)

A Level 1 Adventure for DCC RPG

Doom blankets the land as rumors spread of a dire evil rising in the east. For the first time in living memory, the winter snows have arrived before the harvest, bringing with them an unnatural bitter chill, and in taverns and inns travelers whisper of strange creatures emerging from the ancient forest said to leave entire villages standing silent and empty of inhabitants.

Now a call has gone out across the valley to gather the clans to discuss the dark tidings and decide how to oppose this growing threat. As the banners of a dozen chiefs and thanes are raised, the PCs must ready for an uncertain war against an unknowable foe from the spaces between dimensions!

Dungeon Crawl Classics #103: Bloom Of The Blood Garden

Dungeon Crawl Classics #103: Bloom Of The Blood Garden

A Level 0 Adventure Funnel for DCC RPG

There?s something strange blooming up at the old manor on Cob Hill. Locals hired by the new owner have gone missing. Unknown to all, an ancient blood pact is being honored, allowing a demonic being entrance into the world.

DCC #103: Bloom of the Blood Garden is a 0-level funnel designed to kick off a new campaign or serve as a one-shot adventure. The adventure details the twisted gardens of Cob Hill, the crumbling manor, and the dark spaces beneath it, all of which hold terrors for the adventurers to encounter and hopefully survive. The adventure is designed for use with Dungeon Crawl Classics RPG.

Dungeon Crawl Classics #105: By Mitras Bones Meet Thy Doom (On Order)

Dungeon Crawl Classics #105: By Mitras Bones Meet Thy Doom (On Order)

A 2nd-level adventure for Dungeon Crawl Classics that ties in with the classic Dark Tower

Goodman Games is happy to announce DCC #15 By Mitra?s Bones, Meet Thy Doom! The ancient conflict between Set and Mitra rears its head anew when the characters discover that relics of the slain Mitra remain in the scaly hands of Set?s servants. The party must overcome the machinations and horrors of an un-dead menace to steal back the god?s bones. The party will discover that the war between Set and Mitra is far from over and that a lingering evil remains under the shifting desert sands.

By Mitra?s Bones, Meet Thy Doom! is a 2nd-level Dungeon Crawl Classics adventure that can be played as a stand-alone adventure or used as a means to introduce Jennell Jaquays? famed Dark Tower adventure into any DCC RPG campaign.

Dungeon Crawl Classics #105: Jennell Jaquays Variant (On Order)

Dungeon Crawl Classics #105: Jennell Jaquays Variant (On Order)

A 2nd-level adventure for Dungeon Crawl Classics that ties in with the classic Dark Tower.

Goodman Games is happy to announce DCC #15 By Mitra?s Bones, Meet Thy Doom! The ancient conflict between Set and Mitra rears its head anew when the characters discover that relics of the slain Mitra remain in the scaly hands of Set?s servants. The party must overcome the machinations and horrors of an un-dead menace to steal back the god?s bones. The party will discover that the war between Set and Mitra is far from over and that a lingering evil remains under the shifting desert sands.

By Mitra?s Bones, Meet Thy Doom! is a 2nd-level Dungeon Crawl Classics adventure that can be played as a stand-alone adventure or used as a means to introduce Jennell Jaquays? famed Dark Tower adventure into any DCC RPG campaign.

This is a special variant cover of DCC #105 featuring Jennell Jaquays. Fifty percent of proceeds from this edition will go to the fund to help pay for Jennell?s medical bills.

Dungeon Crawl Classics #67: Sailors On The Starless Sea (On Order)

Dungeon Crawl Classics #67: Sailors On The Starless Sea (On Order)

A Level 0 Adventure

Find out why this is among the most-celebrated adventures for DCC RPG!

Since time immemorial you and your people have toiled in the shadow of the cyclopean ruins. Of mysterious origins and the source of many a superstition, they have always been considered a secret best left unknown by the folk of your hamlet.

But now something stirs beneath the crumbling blocks. Beastmen howl in the night and your fellow villagers are snatched from their beds. With no heroes to defend you, who will rise to stand against the encircling darkness? The secrets of Chaos are yours to unearth, but at what cost to sanity or soul?

An introductory adventure for the Dungeon Crawl Classics Roleplaying Game, Sailors on the Starless Sea pits a mob of 0-level adventurers against the legacy of the Chaos Lords and their corrupted hordes. Delving beneath the crumbling ruins, the characters discover ancient crypts, a starless sea, and an ancient ziggurat, where death and treasure await in equal measure!

Dungeon Crawl Classics #68: The People Of The Pit (On Order)

Dungeon Crawl Classics #68: The People Of The Pit (On Order)

It has been years since the last virgin was sacrificed: and now the pit beast awakens once more! Every generation it stumbles forth on undulating tentacles from its resting place deep below the great ravine, its towering blubbery mass ravaging the land before returning to slumber for decades. But this time is different. The Great Beast strikes with intelligence: bands of faceless gray-robed men emerge from the tenebrous depths, herding the beast?s roaming tentacles before them. The enigmatic people of the pit live despite the passage of ages! The earth shakes each night as they herd the primordial tentacles ever further, while the villagers ask: is any man brave enough to put the sword to this menace?

Dungeon Crawl Classics #70: Jewels Of The Carnifex

Dungeon Crawl Classics #70: Jewels Of The Carnifex

At the end of a forgotten back alley, in the weird and otherworldly marketplace of faiths known as the Bazaar of the Gods, stands the ruins of a forgotten chapel. Once the cult of the Carnifex was celebrated throughout the City of a Thousand Gates. But a band of holy warriors rose against the cult of executioners and torturers, casting down her signs and scattering her devotees to the winds. The fate of the cthonic goddess, and ? more importantly ? her fabled jewels remains a mystery?until this night.

Set amid the sprawling decadence of Punjar, Jewels of the Carnifex offers low-level adventurers a chance to plumb the mysteries beneath the city?s soiled streets, plumb forgotten crypts lavished with weird artifacts, and ? for the quick and daring ? claim the lost Jewels of the Carnifex!

Dungeon Crawl Classics #71: The 13th Skull

Dungeon Crawl Classics #71: The 13th Skull

Thirteen generations ago, the ambitious first Duke of Magnussen made a fell pact with an unknown power, who asked for but one thing in return: the thirteenth daughter born to a Magnussen duke. Now, generations hence, the daughter of Duke Magnussen XIII is stolen away by a hooded executioner riding a leathery beast. As it wings back across the city walls to drop behind the Duke?s mountain-top keep, all who watch know it alights in the Magnussen family crypts, where the devilish secrets of thirteen generations have been buried and forgotten ? until now?

This adventure module also includes The Balance Blade, a short level 2 adventure in which a wizard?s patron makes a simple request: travel to another plane to retrieve a legendary blade of neutrality. But once the journey is in motion, the wizard finds that not all is as it seems!

Dungeon Crawl Classics #72: Beyond The Black Gate

Dungeon Crawl Classics #72: Beyond The Black Gate

Summoned by a coven of foul witches, the adventurers are bid through the Black Gate and across the multiverse, in pursuit of the crown of the fallen Horned King. There, in the icebound gloom of Thrice-Tenth Kingdom, they must pit their wits and brawn against his dread servants. His sullen citadel looms above the darksome woods and elfin ice caves, ruling over the mystic kingdom. Do you dare to ascend the throne of bones and declare yourself master of the Wild Hunt? Whatever your answer, the land beyond the Black Gate is sure to present a grim challenge for the even the hardiest of adventurers!

Dungeon Crawl Classics #73: Emirikol Was Framed! (On Order)

Dungeon Crawl Classics #73: Emirikol Was Framed! (On Order)

A Level 4 Adventure for DCC RPG

The mad wizard Emirikol is terrifying the city! Striking without reason and sending his winged apes to slaughter the populace, the famous archmage has gone too far. Now a coffer of jewels is offered to those who would dare defeat him. The ever-changing walls of his Shifting Tower are guarded by a host of diabolical traps, fiendish guardians, and unimaginable terror. Will your adventurers come out victorious?or lose their very souls in the attempt?

Dungeon Crawl Classics #74: Blades Against Death

Dungeon Crawl Classics #74: Blades Against Death

Punjar: wide-eyed madmen stalk the streets pronouncing the end of days, mail-clad priests crush the skulls of heathens underfoot, and timorous virgins are offered up in sacrifice within sooty temples. But even the greatest of shining temples and the strangest of mystery cults don?t dare to challenge the terrifying finality of Death.

Until now. In Blades Against Death, the adventurers cross between the realms of the living and the dead, and wager their souls in a desperate bid to steal a soul from Death?s hoary grasp. To win over the God of Dooms, you must be the most daring, stalwart and cunning and ? when all else fails ? willing to test your blades against Death!

A mid-level adventure for the Dungeon Crawl Classics Role Playing Game, Blades against Death offers characters a once in a lifetime escapade. Those that return from the Realms of the Dead will have earned the true title of adventurer, while those that fail will spend eternity in Death?s service.

Dungeon Crawl Classics #76: Colossus, Arise! (On Order)

Dungeon Crawl Classics #76: Colossus, Arise! (On Order)

Giants stalk the shifting sands as the lost city of Stylos awakens from its deathless slumber. The Fourth Age of Man is at hand! All that stands between the gigantic hordes of Stylos and their conquest of the world is your band of adventurers. Sinister traps, implacable foes, and the crushing tread of the dread Colossus all lurk within these pages, eager to test the courage and cunning of even the most accomplished adventurers.

Giants stalk the shifting sands as the lost city of Stylos awakens from its deathless slumber. The Fourth Age of Man is at hand! All that stands between the gigantic hordes of Stylos and their conquest of the world is your band of adventurers. Sinister traps, implacable foes, and the crushing tread of the dread Colossus all lurk within these pages, eager to test the courage and cunning of even the most accomplished adventurers.

Dungeon Crawl Classics #77: The Croaking Fane (On Order)

Dungeon Crawl Classics #77: The Croaking Fane (On Order)

For as long as men remember, the Lord of Evil Amphibians carried out unspeakable rites in his squatting temples situated far from civilization. Tales of human sacrifice, squirming servants, and rich but loathsome treasures were whispered of his followers. Now, unexpectedly, his servants have seemingly vanished, leaving behind their fanes to molder in the marshes. A brave band of adventurers gathers to explore one such tabernacle, eager to discover what riches?and terrors?the Lord of Evil Amphibians has left behind?

Dungeon Crawl Classics #79: Frozen In Time

Dungeon Crawl Classics #79: Frozen In Time

A Level 1 Adventure for DCC RPG

Eons-old secrets slumber beneath the forbidden Ghost Ice. Since the time of the Elders, the local tribes have shunned the crawling glacier, knowing it as taboo land that slays all who tread its frigid expanse. Now, the Ghost Ice has shattered, revealing hints at deeper mysteries entombed within its icy grasp. Strange machines and wonderful horrors stir beneath the ice?

Frozen in Time is a level 1 adventure for any DCC RPG campaign. It also includes new material for judges who want to send their adventurers in a Stone Age setting!

Dungeon Crawl Classics #79: Frozen In Time (Digest Sized)

Dungeon Crawl Classics #79: Frozen In Time (Digest Sized)

Eons-old secrets slumber beneath the forbidden Ghost Ice. Since the time of the Elders, the local tribes have shunned the crawling glacier, knowing it as taboo land that slays all who tread its frigid expanse. Now, the Ghost Ice has shattered, revealing hints at deeper mysteries entombed within its icy grasp. Strange machines and wonderful horrors stir beneath the ice...

Frozen in Time is a level 1 adventure for any DCC RPG campaign. It also includes new material for judges who want to send their adventurers in a Stone Age setting! Includes expanded mini-campaign setting, The Forlorn North. Please note: digest-sized edition is shrunk from regular-size edition so font size is quite small.

Dungeon Crawl Classics #82: Bride Of The Black Manse (On Order)

Dungeon Crawl Classics #82: Bride Of The Black Manse (On Order)

A Level 3 Adventure for DCC RPG

This updated 2nd printing includes all-new cover art by Stefan Poag, as well as a fresh editing pass and a brand-new backup adventure! ?Floating Oasis of the Ascended God? by Stephen Newton, in which the player characters are sent to a floating island where they encounter bizarre underlings of an absent deity!

Centuries past, Lady Ilse ascended to scion of House Liis by trading the archdevil Mammon what he wanted most: her immortal soul ? and a diabolical betrothal. The triumph proved hollow, for every year on the eve of her fell covenant, she was beset by visions of Mammon and her foul promise. Seeking to save herself, she was buried alive, swaddled in the holy symbols of a dozen divergent faiths. This desperate ploy held Mammon at bay for centuries?but a devil can afford to wait a very long time.

After hundreds of years, the last of the holy wards has fallen. The devil has come to collect his due. Tonight a storm crashes against the ancient manor house and forgotten spirits rise from the muck and mire. The fallen belfry tolls once more, announcing the hellish fete. As the adventurers arrive to explore the Black Manse, Mammon calls for his winsome bride. He will leave with a soul at the end of the night. The only question is: Whose?

Bonus Adventure: This module also includes the bonus adventure Floating Oasis of the Ascended God, by Stephen Newton! In this level 1 adventure, the player characters are sent to a floating island where they encounter bizarre underlings of an absent deity!

Dungeon Crawl Classics #85: The Making Of The Ghost Ring

Dungeon Crawl Classics #85: The Making Of The Ghost Ring

A Level 4 Adventure for DCC RPG

To save a soul and forge a ring! A ghostly enchantress calls for aid, her salvation hanging in the balance. Brave heroes are needed to complete the creation of a magical ring, a process that will take them from gritty city streets to sun-scorched deserts to the ruins of an ancient fortress atop a windswept peak. Are the adventurers up to the task or shall a sinister demon claim the souls of not only the enchantress but the heroes as well? Only luck, courage, and wits will triumph against adversity and allow the adventurers to claim the Ghost Ring for themselves!

Dungeon Crawl Classics #86: Hole In The Sky (On Order)

Dungeon Crawl Classics #86: Hole In The Sky (On Order)

A Level 0 Adventure for DCC RPG

The Lady in Blue, a mysterious figure of cosmic power, enlists a band of simple peasants for a strange task. They are to follow an invisible bridge until they arrive at a hole in the sky ? and then jump through. Death awaits all but the bravest, strongest, and luckiest, but the Lady offers a reward beyond all the riches of the world: the chance to change the very stars these peasants were born under, and thus change their destiny.

Dungeon Crawl Classics #87.5: Grimtooth's Museum Of Death

Dungeon Crawl Classics #87.5: Grimtooth's Museum Of Death

After three decades of preparation, the evil troll Grimtooth has finally thrown wide the gates of his abode to all comers. The troll has sent ravens far and wide inviting delvers to share in the vast wealth of his treasure room. Of course, there is a catch. The adventurers must wend their way through a maze of traps in Grimtooth?s Museum of Death, a curated collection of the deadliest and most devious traps ever assembled in one place. Along the way, they might even cross paths with a few of Grimtooth?s allies: Grimtina, Spike the Grimdog, and Sludgeworth. Tread lightly, delver. There are no refunds for this tour.

Dungeon Crawl Classics #88: The 998th Conclave Of Wizards (On Order)

Dungeon Crawl Classics #88: The 998th Conclave Of Wizards (On Order)

Hail, wizard of Aereth! Forget everything you think you know about the magic. Mastery of the occult lies beyond the comprehension of your world?s primitive societies and warring kingdoms. Your cantrips and legerdemain are mere parlor tricks in the face of true power. The Star Cabal, peerless practitioners of the arcane arts, extends a rare invitation to join their ranks. Hurtling through the cosmos in a marvelous flying city, the magicians are revered as lords of creation by the spacefaring races of a thousand suns. Ascend to the stars and seize your rightful seat in the vaunted halls of power? if you dare.

Dungeon Crawl Classics #89: Chaos Rising (On Order)

Dungeon Crawl Classics #89: Chaos Rising (On Order)

A Compilation of Adventures for Character Levels 1-5. This compilation collects seven DCC adventures previously published in hard-to-find other editions. Each short adventure is suitable for a single session. Collectively they provide adventures for characters up to 5th level!

The compilation includes these adventures:

  • Elzemon and the Blood-Drinking Box
  • The Imperishable Sorceress
  • Glipkerio?s Gambit
  • The Tower Out of Time
  • The Jeweler That Dealt in Stardust
  • The Undulating Corruption
  • The Infernal Crucible of Sezrekan the Mad
  • Dungeon Crawl Classics #90: The Dread God Of Al-Khazadar

    Dungeon Crawl Classics #90: The Dread God Of Al-Khazadar

    To save a city?to save a world! The end is nigh. A shadow falls on Punjar, and panic fills the streets. This doom cannot be fought, and it cannot be outrun. Unless... From the lightless depths below the city streets, you must find the way to P?quoth and the indifference of the fate-denying Madka. The clock is ticking. There will be no victory without sacrifice. Without the courage, cunning, and strength to face an immortal, your souls will surely fall prey to the Dread God Al-Khazadar!

    A level 4 Adventure for DCC RPG

    Dungeon Crawl Classics #91: Journey To The Center Of Aereth

    Dungeon Crawl Classics #91: Journey To The Center Of Aereth

    The stories have reached you: A world beneath our own, lit by a brilliant sun and ruled by sages beyond reproach, where magic has replaced the spoken word, the weakest slave is like unto a superman, and the domes gleam with hammered gold.

    You?ve spilled enough blood to know better.

    Your trek to discover the truth will take you through endless caverns, ancient causeways and along unknown rivers. An expedition worthy of true explorers, Journey to the Center of ?ereth offers characters the adventure of a lifetime ? or the means to a quick doom. The Journey awaits!

    Dungeon Crawl Classics #92: Through The Dragonwall

    Dungeon Crawl Classics #92: Through The Dragonwall

    Embroiled in a curse from the dawn of history, you have become pawns in a cosmic struggle between the King of Elfland and the ancient dragon-god, Baphotet Kor. Will you stand with the last Empress? Will you face the dreaded Bone Dragon? Or will your bones lie bleached beneath an unchanging sky? This adventure is a test of player skill that will push characters to the edge and beyond?Beyond the Dragonwall.

    Dungeon Crawl Classics #94: Neon Knights (On Order)

    Dungeon Crawl Classics #94: Neon Knights (On Order)

    Ten thousand flawless killers surround the city. Utterly silent in battle and in death, they seem unconquerable. They mean to choke the life out of an age-old city and leave it an empty ruin.

    The city calls upon its heroes to defeat this unnatural menace. The heroes gather to ponder the question: how do you defeat an impregnable foe?

    And then a wizard from a far-off world whisks the heroes away to fight battle of a very different sort, leaving them with a strange pink glow around their eyes?

    Dungeon Crawl Classics #95: Enter The Dagon (On Order)

    Dungeon Crawl Classics #95: Enter The Dagon (On Order)

    The Isle of Dagon: to common folk, it presages death, pestilence, and woe. To warlocks, witches, and wizards, the isle offers a wealth of occult power, forbidden knowledge, and spells beyond the ken of mortal man. But before you can lay claim to the island?s secrets, first you have to survive its fabled spell duels ? a series of death matches where only one caster may reign supreme.

    Wizards and elves will be tested to the fullest of their abilities. To triumph, parties must also survive the machinations of the other contenders and their wicked retinues. For when vying for the title of Master of Dagon, and battling against some of the most powerful sorcerers to tread the Known Worlds, you will need every advantage you can glean. Will you and your companions sit passively by, awaiting whatever fate befalls you? Or will you take the fight to your foes?

    And when your life ? and those of your companions ? hangs on the casting of a single spell, will you have the courage to accept Dagon?s challenge?

    The time for questioning has passed. Black-sailed ships have come to ferry you and your companions to the fabled death matches. It is time to Enter the Dagon.

    Dungeon Crawl Classics #98: Imprisoned In The God-Skull (On Order)

    Dungeon Crawl Classics #98: Imprisoned In The God-Skull (On Order)

    It hangs like a grim moon over the world, an ancient prison fashioned from the divine remains of a dead god. Within this ivory prison is an evil so powerful that even the Scions of Law could not destroy it. Soon, however, its long imprisonment may be at an end.

    An alien mass of writhing, terrible life has emerged from the Void of the Stars to collide with the floating prison, unleashing even stranger foes into the God-Skull. As the Keepers of the prison and their monk allies fight the invaders, that ancient evil begins to plot its escape. Can the heroes intervene to both repel the alien invaders before they reach the world below and keep a terrible power imprisoned? Or will one or both threats tear the world apart in a campaign of conquest and revenge?

    Dungeon Crawl Classics 2017 Holiday Module: New Year's Evil

    Dungeon Crawl Classics 2017 Holiday Module: New Year's Evil

    Get ready for Xcrawl, the live-on-pay-per-view death sport RPG, now powered by the unstoppably old-school Dungeon Crawl Classics rules! And this holiday season, Xcrawl is breaking open a bottle of over-the-top dungeon crawl insanity, and serving it up for some New Year?s Evil!

    Strange things are afoot in Toronto! The spirit of the New Year is driving the Gods to drink, whipping the fans into a frenzy, and inspiring the staff to start the party before the team even makes it to the green room! Can a low-level squad, faced with shady jousters, wet jesters, hell pugs, and cubical zombies ? not to mention poetry, puzzles, and traps galore ? survive to ring in the New Year? And will the sponsors still pick up the tab now that the dungeon has gone mad?

    Start the countdown! Nunc est bacchandum atque Xcrawl ludendum!

    Dungeon Crawl Classics DCC Day Kit 2024 (Pre-Order)

    Dungeon Crawl Classics DCC Day Kit 2024 (Pre-Order)

    DCC Day is July 20, 2024!

    DCC Day celebrates its fifth year with another incredible value for gamers and retailers! The 2024 kit contains an exclusive hardcover foil variant of DCC #104: Return to the Starless Sea, plus the all new DCC Day Adventure Pack, and DCC Day #5 adventure module! Here?s what is included in the 2024 DCC Day pack:

  • 10 copies of The DCC Day 2024 AdventurePack.
  • 10 copies of DCC Day #5: Gods of the Earth.
  • 2 copies of the exclusive hardcover foil variant of DCC#104:Return to the Starless Sea
  • 1 copy of exclusive DragonSkin Tales from the Smoking Wyrm
  • Dungeon Crawl Classics Holiday Module 11: Came The Monsters Of Midwinter (On Order)

    Dungeon Crawl Classics Holiday Module 11: Came The Monsters Of Midwinter (On Order)

    A level 2 holiday adventure module for DCC RPG!

    Star Notch, a town that keeps the Sovereignight more joyful and true than any other in all the Shudder Mountains, is beset by a host of evils so horrible as to try the faith of honest folk. When a group of fiendish creatures strikes at the town?s heart, it?s up to our mountain heroes to vanquish an ancient evil and restore the light of the Divine to the hills.

    This is a 2nd level adventure set in the Shudder Mountains?and if the adventurers play their hand well, they just might learn the true meaning of the season.

    Dungeon Crawl Classics Horror #8 - Night Of The Bog Beast

    Dungeon Crawl Classics Horror #8 - Night Of The Bog Beast

    A level 2 DCC Horror adventure.

    The alligator-infested waterways of the Twilight Marsh harbor a mystery. Last year a child went missing for a week, before being found deep within the marshlands. So far from home, that it was unimaginable as to how she could have gotten there. Despite being questioned, Little Idris said nothing. She only smiled.

    You see, Little Idris has a secret?

    But those events of last year refuse to remain buried, and something ancient has been released in the swamp. Strange cries have been heard in the darkness, indistinct shapes have been seen among the mangroves, and local children tell whispered stories of a lurker, coming for them out of the darkness. A horror that threatens the lives of all it encounters.

    Whatever it is, it is not human.

    Whatever it is, it kills without mercy.

    Whatever it is, it must be stopped.

    Can you survive? the Night of the Bog Beast?

    Dungeon Crawl Classics RPG

    Dungeon Crawl Classics RPG

    You?re no hero.

    You?re a reaver, a cutpurse, a heathen-slayer, a tight-lipped warlock guarding long-dead secrets. You seek gold and glory, winning it with sword and spell, caked in the blood and filth of the weak, the dark, the demons, and the vanquished. There are treasures to be won deep underneath, and you shall have them.

    Return to the glory days of fantasy with the Dungeon Crawl Classics Role Playing Game. Adventure as 1974 intended you to, with modern rules grounded in the origins of sword & sorcery. Fast play, cryptic secrets, and a mysterious past await you: turn the page?

    Dungeon Crawl Classics RPG (Softcover) (On Order)

    Dungeon Crawl Classics RPG (Softcover) (On Order)

    You?re no hero. You?re an adventurer: a reaver, a cutpurse, a heathen-slayer, a tight-lipped warlock guarding long-dead secrets. You seek gold and glory, winning it with sword and spell, caked in the blood and filth of the weak, the dark, the demons, and the vanquished. There are treasures to be won deep underneath, and you shall have them.

    Return to the glory days of fantasy with the Dungeon Crawl Classics Role Playing Game (Softcover). Adventure as 1974 intended you to, with modern rules grounded in the origins of sword & sorcery. Fast play, cryptic secrets, and a mysterious past await you: turn the page?

    Dungeon Crawl Classics RPG: 0-Level Scratch Off Character Sheets

    Dungeon Crawl Classics RPG: 0-Level Scratch Off Character Sheets

    Each character sheet comes with a scratch-off box for each ability score and other key statistic. Before the game you distribute them to your players. They use a coin to scratch off the appropriate boxes, then you let the dungeon diving begin!

    Dungeon Crawl Classics RPG: Angels, Daemons And Beings Between

    Dungeon Crawl Classics RPG: Angels, Daemons And Beings Between

    Angels, Daemons and Beings Between: Extended, Otherworldly Edition is a Patrons supplement for the Dungeon Crawl Classics Role Playing Game.

    Patrons. More than mere supernatural benefactors, they are the schemers whose plots set worlds into motion. They are beings who amuse, enthrall, and terrify the mortals who dare to bargain with them! 24 new and fully developed patrons and demi-patrons for the Dungeon Crawl Classics Role Playing Game. Included are 66 new spells, more monstrous minions, and new spellburn and patron taint tables to use in your DCC campaign. 188 pages of DCC goodness by Daniel J. Bishop, Paul Wolfe and David Fisher. A must for DCC enthusiasts!

    Dungeon Crawl Classics RPG: Dark Tower (3 Volume Slipcase Set)

    Dungeon Crawl Classics RPG: Dark Tower (3 Volume Slipcase Set)

    Goodman Games is proud to present Original Adventures Reincarnated #7: Dark Tower, updated and expanded from the 1979 classic for both 5E and DCC rules sets and published as 3 volumes in a handsome slipcase. Ranked as one of the Top 30 adventure modules of all time, Dark Tower is considered by many to be the first mega-dungeon. It was one of the first modules to utilise the newley released (at the time) Advanced Dungeons and Dragons rulebooks, which authoer Jennell Jaquays incorporated into the original design.

    Dark Tower is an entire mega-dungeon forming a mini-campaign with many hours of classic-style old school adventure - now completely converted into the DCC rules set!

    The adventure is designed for level 3 characters, and players can expect to gain several levels of experience by the end of their adventures in the Dark Tower.

    Volume one of the three-volume slipcase contains a reprint of the original Dark Tower Adventure from 1979, plus introductory essays by John Rateliff, Eric Mona, Justin Alexander, James Maliszewski, Jon "Taco" Hershberger, Stephen Newton, and others.

    Volume two contains a conversion of Dark Tower to DCC rules. This hardcover converts the village of Mitra's Fist, all four levels of the dungeon, the White Tower of Mitra, the Dark Tower of Set, Redmoon Pass, the Lostlands Gazetteer, and more. It contains new monsters, NPCs, player handouts, spells and magic items, as well as new content such as expanded wilderness encounters, two new small mini-dungeons, and pregenerated characters.

    Volume three is the Chosen Sons of Set published in DCC rules. Expanding on concepts presented in the original adventure, this new material allows you to build a mini-campaign in the Lostlands centered around Dark Tower. Each of the included scenarios is built around one of the villainous Chosen Sons of Set, horrid reptilian creatures trying to destroy Mitra and the forces of good. This hardcover also includes rules for creating your own Chosen Sons of Set, as well as a variety of new monsters, NPCs, spells, magic items, and more.

    Dungeon Crawl Classics RPG: Dark Tower RPG Dice (On Order)

    Dungeon Crawl Classics RPG: Dark Tower RPG Dice (On Order)

    Dark Tower-themed Dice Set featuring a complete range of 14 dice for DCC.

    Includes all the dice required for DCC RPG: d3, d4, d5, d6, d7, d8, d10, d12, d14, d16, d20, d24, and d30, plus a percentile d%.

    Dungeon Crawl Classics RPG: Monsters And Magic ofODark Tower (On Order)

    Dungeon Crawl Classics RPG: Monsters And Magic ofODark Tower (On Order)

    Goodman Games is proud to present Monsters & Magic of Dark Tower for the Dungeon Crawl Classics RPG. This collection of new monsters, magic items, and spell is suitable for any DCC RPG campaign and draws inspiration from the classic adventure Dark Tower by Jennell Jaquays.

    Monsters & Magic of Dark Tower contains nearly 20 new monster, 6 new spells, and 14 magic items. You?ll also find complete descriptions of the gods Mitra and Set for use in your DCC RPG campaign. Dark Tower isn?t required to use this supplement, but it will allow judges to utilize Monsters & Magic of Dark Tower to its greatest effect.

    Dungeon Crawl Classics RPG: Reference Booklet (On Order)

    Dungeon Crawl Classics RPG: Reference Booklet (On Order)

    A Judge?s Best Friend Gets a New Edition!

    Judging can be hard work, but not with the DCC RPG Reference Booklet at your side. This book collects most of the commonly consulted DCC RPG tables in a single volume, making it perfect for quickly finding the information you need to keep your game running smoothly. Regardless of whether you?re a judge or a player, you?ll find the Reference Booklet equally useful, containing almost 60 important tables and charts right at your fingertips.

    The DCC RPG Reference Booklet has been around for nearly a decade and judges near and far swear by it. You?ll find it an indispensable additional to your DCC RPG toolbox, no matter if you?re running your first game or your one hundred and first. It?s like leveling up without the pesky XP cost. This new edition published by Goodman Games uses the gender-neutral language common to the 10th Printing of Dungeon Crawl Classics.

    A reference booklet with all the commonly-used charts from the DCC RPG. Features new cover art by Doug Kovacs and interior illustrations by Stefan Poag.

    Dungeon Crawl Classics RPG: Slipcase Only

    Dungeon Crawl Classics RPG: Slipcase Only

    This sturdy slip case features DCC Artwork and is designed to hold the DCC hardback rulebook and art folio but is just as useful as a single solution for your DCC adventure modules!

    Dungeon Crawl Classics RPG: The Umerican Survival Guide

    Dungeon Crawl Classics RPG: The Umerican Survival Guide

    A Gonzo Post-Apocalyptic Campaign Setting and Sourcebook based on the articles of Crawling Under a Broken Moon!

    Foretold in the ancient calendars, early in the 21st century a rogue object from deep space hurtled near the Earth and struck the Moon. Its impact caused catastrophic destruction around the globe, ripping the very fabric of time and space itself; yet mankind still survived. Centuries later, the planet is reborn?a strange new place of alien wonder and death: a world ruled by savagery, cruel sorcery, and twisted science. Now is the time for the mighty to rise up and take their place in this perilous and untamed land. Will they bring justice or suffering? Only time will tell?

    Dungeon Crawl Classics: Character Record Folio

    Dungeon Crawl Classics: Character Record Folio

    An accessory that gives your character life like never before!

    Your journey from lowly gongfarmer to mighty hero has been a long and dangerous one. You?ve vanquished terrible foes, pried the jeweled eyes from profane statues, mastered forbidden magics, and paid homage to powerful deities. Now, you must ensure your legendary deeds resound down the eons. The DCC RPG Character Record Folio is here to help.

    This 16-page gaming aid provides all the space necessary to record every aspect of your character. From ability scores to the names of the demons who clamor for your soul, you?ll find a place to record it all.

    The Character Record Folio also contains handy reference tables, sections for use with MCC RPG, DCC Lankhmar, and DCC Dying Earth characters, wet/dry erase friendly areas for recording important if fleeting character information, plus two interior cover pockets for storing extra gaming records, maps, and other material you might need at the gaming table.

    Life might be short and hard in DCC RPG, but, with the Character Record Folio, at least you?ll perish in an organized manner.

    Dungeon Crawl Classics: Crypt Of The Devil Lich

    Dungeon Crawl Classics: Crypt Of The Devil Lich

    A level 7 adventure for DCC RPG.

    Goodman Games is proud to announce the Re-release of one of its most cherished Dungeon Crawl Classics: The Crypt of the Devil Lich! Updated and converted for both 5E and the DCC RPG rules sets (available seperately), this classic deathtrap dungeon was inspired by the dreaded Tomb of Horrors!

    The heroes are sent into the Devil Lich?s crypt to destroy her before she can return to power, as foreseen in a prophecy. However, the unknowing heroes have actually been tricked into entering her crypt to free her from her prison. If they are truly heroes, they will uncover the deception and defeat the evil Devil Lich before she can unleash her dark designs on the surface world.

    This adventure module is a update version of the classic dungeon module DCC #13: The Crypt of the Devil Lich, originally published in 2004 by Goodman Games. The Crypt of the Devil Lich was truly a unique design, an homage as the classic meatgrinder-style trap-filled dungeons popular in the late ?70s and early ?80s.

    The adventure is designed for a group of four to six 7th level characters. The original adventure was designed for the 2004 1st Annual GenCon Dungeon Crawl Classics Team Tournament, a tradition that continues today. With some effort on the GMs part, the adventure can be used for campaign play.


  • A hardcover Smythe-sewn book.
  • All-new cover art by Doug Kovacs!
  • A detailed introduction chapter including notes on how to adjust the adventure for higher or lower levels, using it during campaign play, notes on how to run the adventure as a team tournament, and the devilish backstory of the Devil Lich and her dark machinations.
  • Three fully developed levels of the crypt updated to the latest edition of DCC by Goodman Games? own Bob Brinkman, a veteran game designer.
  • All new interior artwork and cartography.
  • Dozens of player handouts, in the tradition of the classic modules Tomb of Horrors and Expedition to the Barrier Peaks.
  • Six fully developed pre-generated Player Characters based on the original tournament player characters.
  • The original team tournament scoring system.


  • Rules Set: DCC RPG
  • Writer: Bob Brinkman
  • Original Adventure Design: Chris Doyle
  • Cover Art: Doug Kovacs
  • Hardcover + PDF format
  • Dungeon Crawl Classics: Dying Earth #0: The Black Obelisk

    Dungeon Crawl Classics: Dying Earth #0: The Black Obelisk

    Goodman Games is proud to launch its line of DCC Dying Earth adventure modules with DCC DE #0 The Black Obelisk. For thousands of years, worshippers of the divine Omaet-ko have kept vigil at the Black Obelisk, awaiting the return of the Great God. A pilgrimage departs on a journey to the holy city, but can these travelers survive the perils of the trip?

    The Black Obelisk is a 0-level funnel softcover adventure designed to kick-off a brand new campaign set in Jack Vance?s Dying Earth. The adventure also contains patron information for the demon Ohmvos, a powerful potential antagonist or ally. The adventure is designed for DCC Dying Earth, but it can be used in any DCC RPG setting with minimum changes.

    Dungeon Crawl Classics: Dying Earth #1: The Laughing Idol Of Lar-Shan

    Dungeon Crawl Classics: Dying Earth #1: The Laughing Idol Of Lar-Shan

    Goodman Games presents the next adventure in its DCC Dying Earth line based on the stories of Jack Vance.

    DCC Dying Earth #1 The Laughing Idol of Lar-Shann pits adventurers against the machinations of the demon Lar-Shann, his bellowing idol, and his power-mad monks. The PC must infiltrate the demon?s temple and overcome the terrors beneath it to succeed in their quest.

    The Laughing Idol of Lar-Shann is a softcover adventure designed for 1st level characters. It details the demonic temple of Lar-Shann and the strange occupants that dwell there. Although designed for DCC Dying Earth campaigns, it can easily be used in any DCC RPG setting with minimum changes.

    Dungeon Crawl Classics: Dying Earth #2: The Sorcerer's Tower Of Sanguine Slant

    Dungeon Crawl Classics: Dying Earth #2: The Sorcerer's Tower Of Sanguine Slant

    Goodman Games continues its line of adventures for DCC Dying Earth with DCC DE #2 The Sorcerer?s Tower of Sanguine Slant. A towering spire of gravity-defying frozen blood beckons adventurers to plumb its depths. Lurking within its sanguine walls is the black IOUN stone, protected by vat-birthed monstrosities and the ghost of a long-dead magician. The Sorcerer?s Tower of Sanguine Slant is a softcover adventure designed for 2nd level characters. It describes a most unusual wizard?s tower and the bizarre occupants encountered therein. Although designed for DCC Dying Earth campaigns, it can easily be used in any DCC RPG setting with minimum changes.

    Dungeon Crawl Classics: Dying Earth #3: Magnificent Machinations At The Grand Exposition

    Dungeon Crawl Classics: Dying Earth #3: Magnificent Machinations At The Grand Exposition

    Goodman Games is proud to announce the release of DCC DE #3 Magnificent Machinations at the Great Exposition of Marvels.

    This adventure presents a lavish and strange competition of magicians, inventors, and mountebanks vying for a fabulous prize. When the Crystal of Ciz goes missing, the PCs must contend with corrupt merchants and demon-bound witches to reclaim it, relying as often on deduction and investigation as swordplay and spellcraft to solve the crime.

    Magnificent Machinations at the Great Exposition of Marvels is a softcover adventure for 3rd level characters. Inside it are details about the City of Cuirnif, the Manse Ashtark, and a new spell for your DCC Dying Earth campaign. Although designed for DCC Dying Earth, it can easily be integrated into any DCC RPG setting with minimum changes.

    Dungeon Crawl Classics: Dying Earth #4: Mind Weft Of The Moonstone Palace

    Dungeon Crawl Classics: Dying Earth #4: Mind Weft Of The Moonstone Palace

    Goodman Games presents DCC DE #4 Mind-Weft of the Moonstone Palace as the next adventure in its DCC Dying Earth product line.

    Travel to the lands north of the Falling Wall, where rumors spread of the strange disappearance of magicians and the reappearance of a magical palace thought long destroyed. Upon venturing within the palace, the adventurers discover that time itself has fractured. Mind-Weft of the Moonstone Palace is a softcover adventure for 4th level characters. The module challenges players by presenting multiple timelines woven together to create a unique adventuring experience. Although designed for DCC Dying Earth campaigns, it can easily be added to any DCC RPG setting with minimum changes.

    Dungeon Crawl Classics: Dying Earth #5: Penumbra Of The Polar Ape

    Dungeon Crawl Classics: Dying Earth #5: Penumbra Of The Polar Ape

    Goodman Games is proud to present DCC DE #5 Penumbra of the Polar Ape, the next adventure in the DCC Dying Earth line.

    A mysterious aura surrounds a distant star and the adventurers must travel into the cosmos to discover its origin. What first appears to be a small moon is soon discovered to be the egg of a star-dragon about to hatch! Only a quick-thinking party can prevent a stellar catastrophe. Penumbra of the Polar Ape is a softcover adventure for 5th level characters. The adventure details an entire moon that the party must explore and chart in order to solve its mystery and avert disaster. Although designed for DCC Dying Earth campaigns, it can easily be inserted into any DCC RPG setting with minimum changes.

    Dungeon Crawl Classics: Dying Earth #6: The Great Visp Hunt

    Dungeon Crawl Classics: Dying Earth #6: The Great Visp Hunt

    Goodman Games continues their adventures on Jack Vance?s Dying Earth with DCC DE #6 The Great Visp Hunt.

    The adventurers are sent to deal with a predatory visp?a bizarre monster birthed under the fading sun?that?s wreaking havoc on a small village. But no hunt is guaranteed and it?s far too easy for the predator to become the prey in the last days of Earth. Will the party survive the Great Visp Hunt?

    The Great Visp Hunt is a softcover adventure for 2nd level characters. It details multiple monster lairs that must be explored in the hunt for the visp, making this an easy adventure to drop into any ongoing DCC Dying Earth campaign. It can also be easily integrated in any DCC RPG setting with minimum changes.

    Dungeon Crawl Classics: Dying Earth #7: Phantoms Of The Ectoplasmic Cotillion

    Dungeon Crawl Classics: Dying Earth #7: Phantoms Of The Ectoplasmic Cotillion

    Goodman Games is proud to announce the release of DCC DE #7 Phantoms of the Ectoplasmic Cotillion.

    Rumors of a ring that can overcome death itself spur the adventurers into entering the subterranean lair of long-dead magicians. There they must overcome the restless spirits of the deceased, surviving legacies of failed experiments, and the Ectoplasmic Cotillion?an everlasting dance macabre that threatens the very souls of the living.

    Phantoms of the Ectoplasmic Cotillion is a softcover adventure for 3nd level characters. It describes a haunted wizards? laboratory containing the ring of revivification, a new magical item for your DCC Dying Earth campaign. It can also be easily added to any DCC RPG setting with minimum changes.

    Dungeon Crawl Classics: Dying Earth #8: The House On The Island

    Dungeon Crawl Classics: Dying Earth #8: The House On The Island

    Goodman Games presents DCC DE #8 The House on the Island as the next adventure in its DCC Dying Earth product line.

    A storm strands the adventurers on a strange island populated by monsters and ancient ruins. They are offered one hope of survival?rescue the son of the friendly water weird and keep the treasures she offers in return. The House on the Island is a softcover adventure for 3nd level characters.

    It describes an exotic island, a living house, and an underground alien world, brought to you by the imagination of the legendary Erol Otus! Although designed for DCC Dying Earth campaigns, it can easily be used in any DCC RPG setting with minimum changes.

    Dungeon Crawl Classics: Dying Earth Boxed Set

    Dungeon Crawl Classics: Dying Earth Boxed Set

    Explore the singular world of Jack Vance?s Dying Earth, set in the distant last days of the world, where magic and science blend together and querulous sorcerers feud endlessly! With Dungeon Crawl Classics Dying Earth you will discover the tools to play in Cugel?s and Rhialto?s world, seek the mighty Pandelume, or fall to an indifferent grue while searching for scintillant baubles among the ensorceled remains of the ancient earth.

    This boxed set contains comprehensive rules options and new material for the Dungeon Crawl Classics RPG explicitly designed to capture the setting of the Dying Earth. Within you will find new classes, creatures, patrons, spells, and more inspired by the Dying Earth stories for use in your DCC RPG game including four new classes for DCC RPG: magician, vat-thing, wayfarer, and witch, as well as new rules for ?grudge tokens? to track the resentments that characters accumulate with every minor imprecation they encounter.

    This set also includes a beautiful map of the world of Dying Earth illustrated by Doug Kovacs. A copy of the Dungeon Crawl Classics rulebook is required to use this boxed set.

    Dungeon Crawl Classics: Empire Of The East #1: Hunt For The Howling God

    Dungeon Crawl Classics: Empire Of The East #1: Hunt For The Howling God

    A level 1 DCC adventure set in The Empire of the East! Sent to find the location of a mysterious artifact, the adventurers find themselves imprisoned in a remote forest outpost and must fight their way out against overwhelming odds. Thus begins an overland journey across the Western shore, encountering merciless bandits, mutant monsters and a mysterious wizard, all while being pursued by the vengeful forces of the East.

    Great dangers and even greater treasures await! Can they reach the ancient site and capture an artifact powerful enough to change the outcome of the war before they're caught? Join the battle for freedom! The players must engineer a thrilling jailbreak to learn the location of a lost relic of the Old World. To reach the resting place of the Howling God, the adventurers must overcome a bevy of dangerous animals changed by the powers of the Old World, bloodthirsty bandits, Empire patrols, and wizards and their demons standing in their way. Plumb the forgotten secrets of the Old World and learn if the Howling God still lurks in the deepest reaches of an ancient installation.

    Dungeon Crawl Classics: Horror Module #2 Sinister Sutures Of The Sempstress (On Order)

    Dungeon Crawl Classics: Horror Module #2 Sinister Sutures Of The Sempstress (On Order)

    Mother was wrong: There are monsters in the closet. Terror seeks out the adventurers in the safety of their own homes, drawing them into a tailored web of vengeance long-deferred. Torn from their beds, the PCs find themselves trapped in the House of Tattered Remnants, the home and prison of an eldritch entity known only as the Sempstress. The adventurers must overcome patchwork horrors, unearthly craftsmen, and even the unravelling of their own realities if they hope to defeat the Sempstress in her lair and escape the House. Or will they be unmade by the Sempstress? evil?

    Dungeon Crawl Classics: Lankhmar #5: Blasphemy And Larceny In Lankhmar

    Dungeon Crawl Classics: Lankhmar #5: Blasphemy And Larceny In Lankhmar

    A level 5 adventure set in Lankhmar! A member of your gang awakens in an alleyway with foggy memories of a deal made, a job taken, a partner slain, and a heist planned. They struggle to remember the details, but you all agree that breaking into an abandoned temple should be a simple matter ? in and out. Yet the heist is on a collision course with something sinister.

    What begins as an easy job becomes anything but, as the you confront cultists, vengeful spirits, and the servitors of a long-forgotten god. While seeking an easy score, you uncover a plan to strike a blow into the heart of Lankhmar, and no one is safe from the blasphemous plot. A choice needs to be made. Will you stand with the city, or risk letting it descend into chaos? Curse the gods of Lankhmar for their cruel joke that, in the shadowed alleyways of Lankhmar, there is no such thing as a ?simple matter.?

    Dungeon Crawl Classics: Lankhmar #6: Cheating Death (On Order)

    Dungeon Crawl Classics: Lankhmar #6: Cheating Death (On Order)

    A level 1 adventure set in Lankhmar! Death has come to Lankhmar! It begins as a minor stirring of strange, dangerous coincidences. A ladder falls. A fire erupts. An onlooker plummets from a rooftop, skull cracking on the chiseled stone below. As conspiracies loom and rumors abound, your band of adventurers must survive the hostile streets of the city and discover the secret that will keep you from Death?s cold reach.

    Time is running out, and the Lords of Necessity have a dark quota yet to fill as you search for the secret that will fend off the fingers of Death himself. Your quest leads you to a mysterious manor where you must circumvent flood and flame to reach the cage of the long-hidden burned man who offers a gift that just might save your life. This adventure is suitable for level 1 characters, with information inside about scaling up the threats for any character level. Death knows no level restrictions!

    Dungeon Crawl Classics: Lankhmar Boxed Set

    Dungeon Crawl Classics: Lankhmar Boxed Set

    The boxed set officially licensed from the estate of Fritz Leiber! Enter the thrilling world of Fritz Leiber?s Nehwon, home to the legendary city of Lankhmar and the infamous heroes Fafhrd and the Gray Mouser! Prepare yourself to battle members of the city?s nefarious Thieves? Guild in fog- shrouded alleys, to barter for cursed curios in the Plaza of Dark Delights, and to seek the wisdom of Ningauble of the Seven Eyes and Sheelba of the Eyeless Face! All this and more is possible with DCC Lankhmar.

    This boxed set contains comprehensive rules options and new material for the Dungeon Crawl Classics RPG explicitly designed to capture the unique setting of Nehwon and Lankhmar, the City of the Black Toga. Inside, you?ll find new spells, monsters, magical items, patrons, and rules to make your DCC RPG campaign more like Leiber?s exiting stories?including the popular ?Fleeting Luck? mechanic where good fortune blesses your characters one minute, only to dash their hopes the next. This set also includes a detailed look at Lankhmar and provides the judge with an assortment of descriptions, tables, and adventure ideas to get their DCC Lankhmar campaign up and running with a minimum of effort, including the adventure No Small Crimes in Lankhmar and a beautiful city map illustrated by Doug Kovacs. A copy of the Dungeon Crawl Classics rulebook is required to use this boxed set.

    Inside this box you will find: The Judge?s Guide to Nehwon (104 pages). Compendium of Secret Knowledge (40 pages). Lankhmar: City of the Black Toga (44 pages). Dungeon Crawl Classics Lankhmar #0: No Small Crimes in Lankhmar (12 pages). A gigantic 33? x 17? poster map of the City of Lankhmar. Another 17? x 22? map of Nehwon. A 3-panel judges screen with tables specific to the DCC Lankhmar setting. An exclusive issue of the Goodman Games Gazette. Plus download codes for a digital edition.

    Dungeon Crawl Classics: Mighty Dice Of Arms Dice Set

    Dungeon Crawl Classics: Mighty Dice Of Arms Dice Set

    Goodman Games is happy to announce the arrival of DCC Dice: Mighty Dice of Arms, a collection of 14 dice intended for use with Dungeon Crawl Classics RPG. This handsome grey and gold dice set includes a full array of ?funky dice? used to play DCC RPG and contains an insert featuring new Mighty Deeds of Arms for warriors and dwarves. Mighty Dice of Arms DCC Dice Set is one of Goodman Games? two new ?evergreen dice? sets that will be consistently available for sale, helping new players acquire the dice they need and dice aficionados to add more to their collections. This DCC Dice set includes d3, d4, d5, d6, d7, d8, d10, d12, d14, d16, d20, d24, d30, and d% dice. Text by Harley Stroh with cover artwork by Doug Kovacs.

    Dungeon Crawl Classics: Motes Of Mercurial Magic Dice Set

    Dungeon Crawl Classics: Motes Of Mercurial Magic Dice Set

    Goodman Games is happy to announce the arrival of DCC Dice: Motes of Mercurial Magic, a collection of 14 dice intended for use with Dungeon Crawl Classics RPG. This beautiful sparkling dice set includes a full array of ?funky dice? used to play DCC RPG and contains an insert featuring new mercurial magic effects for wizards and elves. Motes of Mercurial Magic DCC Dice Set is one of Goodman Games? two new ?evergreen dice? sets that will be consistently available for sale, helping new players acquire the dice they need and dice aficionados to add more to their collections. This DCC Dice set includes d3, d4, d5, d6, d7, d8, d10, d12, d14, d16, d20, d24, d30, and d% dice. Text by Harley Stroh with cover artwork by Doug Kovacs.

    Dungeon Crawl Classics: Supernal Star Seeds Dice Set

    Dungeon Crawl Classics: Supernal Star Seeds Dice Set

    Centuries ago the world was assailed by a deluge of flaming meteors that fell from the sky, aptly known as the Night of Fiery Tears. But what fell from the heavens were no mere space rocks, but strange star seeds that over time bloomed into a magical and celestial plant known as the cosmic lotus?a shimmering lavender and gold speckled flower with the power to open inter-dimensional portals and defy space and time.

    A complete set of 14 dice for DCC RPG! Lavender dice with a silver metallic fleck and gold numbers.

    Includes all the dice required for DCC RPG: d3, d4, d5, d6, d7, d8, d10, d12, d14, d16, d20, d24, and d30, plus a percentile d%.

    Dungeon Crawl Classics: The Empire Of The East (On Order)

    Dungeon Crawl Classics: The Empire Of The East (On Order)

    Officially licensed by the estate of Fred Saberhagen, this hardcover sourcebook offers everything you need to play DCC RPG campaigns in the world of the Empire of the East.

    Thousands of years ago, the ashes of nuclear fire changed the world. The weapons of mass destruction ceased to work as the laws of physics altered. In their wake came elementals and demons, creatures from the darkest dreams and nightmares of mankind. Magic returned to the world. Humankind arose from the ashes and rebuilt society, just as the vile Empire of the East wielded the demonic powers of Orcus to sweep across the globe. Now it falls to a small group of resistance fighters to reclaim freedom for humanity!

    Inside you will find:

  • Rules for magic tailored to the post-apocalyptic fantasy setting of the Changeling Earth, including new spells and summonings to enrich any DCC campaign
  • Character options for adventuring in this world
  • A discussion of demons, elementals, and monsters, including stats for creatures compatible with any DCC and MCC campaign
  • Lost technology of the Golden Age of Man, and its effect on the Changeling Earth
  • Statistics for all of the major characters from the trilogy, also usable as NPCs in any DCC or MCC campaign
  • Two short low-level adventures to start your campaign
  • And more!
  • Dungeon Crawl Classics: Valentine's Module 2022: Love In The Age Of Gongfarmers (On Order)

    Dungeon Crawl Classics: Valentine's Module 2022: Love In The Age Of Gongfarmers (On Order)

    In this special Valentine?s Day-themed adventure, the PCs play a group of adventurers who face the wrath of an offended deity who has substituted the heart of a young cleric with that of a mechanical bear. To save the cleric, the PCs must face candy heart puzzles, feral fluffees, and other obstacles if they are to keep hope alive and once again know love in the age of gongfarmers.

    Dungeon Crawl Classics: Valentine's Module 2023: Love Mutants Of Castle Heartache

    Dungeon Crawl Classics: Valentine's Module 2023: Love Mutants Of Castle Heartache

    Ever been dumped so hard you transformed into a bloodthirsty mutant monster? We see you, hero.

    Olathvee, Mad Un-God of mortal passion, lies heartsick after his romantic advances went ignored by the otherworldly object of his affection. Now his cosmic desolation grips our entire world, separating every lover from their other and threatening to end civilization within a generation. The only chance for mankind is a dangerous quest that will pit our lovelorn heroes against Olathvee?s own castle guardians, mutated by metaphysical anguish into horrifying creatures. Who dares to delve into the darkest, loneliest corners of Castle Heartache?

    This is a 3rd level holiday adventure inspired by true events.

    Includes original Valentine?s card images to give out to your?loved ones?

    Dungeon Crawl Classics: Vello's Crystalized Creations Dice Set

    Dungeon Crawl Classics: Vello's Crystalized Creations Dice Set

    The wizard Vello was known for the creation of magically-imbued sweets of various types, which all have a minor magical effect when consumed, and this is reflected in the dice bearing their name. Those who would follow in Vello?s flavorsome footsteps be warned?the wizard is said to have been turned into foodstuff themselves by a candy golem of their own creation!

    A complete set of 14 dice for DCC RPG! The dice are a swirl of cotton candy pink and baby blue and gold numbers.

    Includes all the dice required for DCC RPG: d3, d4, d5, d6, d7, d8, d10, d12, d14, d16, d20, d24, and d30, plus a percentile d%.

    Dungeon Crawl Classics: Yearbook #8 - The Year That Shall Not Be Named

    Dungeon Crawl Classics: Yearbook #8 - The Year That Shall Not Be Named

    The annual Goodman Games community-building sourcebook is back?but let?s not talk about the year!

    The year that shall not be named: it was the year we all learned to game online, and we shall celebrate it for that.

    In the latest annual community yearbook from Goodman Games, the company celebrates what made this year special. Online connections brought regular gaming back to our lives, and the convention season took on a whole new look.

    As always, this volume contains a wealth of new DCC RPG content, including new monster fumble tables and new mighty deed rules. There is an interview with TSR legend Russ Nicholson, a new mini-adventure, and pictures and photographs from this year ? the year we want to forget but can?t help remembering.

    At least we can remember the good times, including Cyclops Con, DCC Day, Bride of Cyclops Con, and all the great online games.

    Dungeon Crawl Classics: Yearbook 2022

    Dungeon Crawl Classics: Yearbook 2022

    This annual release from Goodman Games is one part new gaming material, one part retrospective, and one party celebration of all the cool things Goodman Games and its fans accomplished during past year. The 2022 Yearbook contains a bevy of information both entertaining and useful. Within its pages, you'll find interviews, art galleries, new monsters for both Dungeon Crawl Classics and 5e campaigns, two new adventures for 5e and DCC RPG, photographs, random tables, and more!

    No matter if you like your dice traditional or funky, the Goodman Games 2022 Yearbook makes a handy addition to any gaming library. Don't let time pass you by. Pick up your copy today! Celebrate the great year of gaming that was 2022 with this terrific compilation of all-new material. Includes new level 1 DCC RPG adventure "When Tolls the Bell of Ruin" by Marzio Muscedere. Along with a new level 12 5E adventure "Secret of the Slayer's Sword" by Alex Kurowski Tables for using a d11 in both DCC and 5E. Rules for Doom Beard and the GG Joe Wizard Vandroid! Four Foul Foes for DCC - new monsters. Plus! Interviews, tons of photos, art, The Wizard Van, reflections on the year from the Goodman Gang, and more! Much, much more!

    Dungeons And Dragons RPG: Crypt Of The Devil Lich

    Dungeons And Dragons RPG: Crypt Of The Devil Lich

    A level 15 adventure for 5E.

    Goodman Games is proud to announce the Re-release of one of its most cherished Dungeon Crawl Classics: The Crypt of the Devil Lich! Updated and converted for both 5E and the DCC RPG rules sets (available seperately), this classic deathtrap dungeon was inspired by the dreaded Tomb of Horrors!

    The heroes are sent into the Devil Lich?s crypt to destroy her before she can return to power, as foreseen in a prophecy. However, the unknowing heroes have actually been tricked into entering her crypt to free her from her prison. If they are truly heroes, they will uncover the deception and defeat the evil Devil Lich before she can unleash her dark designs on the surface world.

    This adventure module is a update version of the classic dungeon module DCC #13: The Crypt of the Devil Lich, originally published in 2004 by Goodman Games. The Crypt of the Devil Lich was truly a unique design, an homage as the classic meatgrinder-style trap-filled dungeons popular in the late ?70s and early ?80s.

    The adventure is designed for a group of four to six 15th level characters. The original adventure was designed for the 2004 1st Annual GenCon Dungeon Crawl Classics Team Tournament, a tradition that continues today. With some effort on the GMs part, the adventure can be used for campaign play.


  • A hardcover Smythe-sewn book.
  • All-new cover art by Doug Kovacs!
  • A detailed introduction chapter including notes on how to adjust the adventure for higher or lower levels, using it during campaign play, notes on how to run the adventure as a team tournament, and the devilish backstory of the Devil Lich and her dark machinations.
  • Three fully developed levels of the crypt converted to 5E by Chris Doyle, the original architect and project manager of The Crypt of the Devil Lich.
  • All new interior artwork and cartography.
  • Dozens of player handouts, in the tradition of the classic modules Tomb of Horrors and Expedition to the Barrier Peaks.
  • Six fully developed pre-generated Player Characters based on the original tournament player characters.
  • The original team tournament scoring system.


  • Rules Set: D&D 5E
  • Writer: Chris Doyle
  • Original Adventure Design: Chris Doyle
  • Cover Art: Doug Kovacs
  • Hardcover + PDF format
  • Dungeons And Dragons RPG: Module 19: Denizens Of The Reed Maze

    Dungeons And Dragons RPG: Module 19: Denizens Of The Reed Maze

    Your band of adventurers is gaining quite a reputation for yourselves in the borderlands. A local patron encourages you to investigate a recently aggressive band of frogfolk, stirring in the nearby fens. The frogfolk have displaced a benevolent tribe of lizardfolk, and rumors persist they gather resources for an all-out war. The frogfolk have even cut twisting passages through the tall reed grass to defend the route to their hill-top lair. Something sinister must be behind these actions!

    Following a trek through the stinking morass of the reed maze, your band finds a hidden shrine once dedicated to the Earth Mother but now the lair of the frogfolk leader. But all is not as it seems in this desecrated temple. What foul eldritch sorceries have corrupted the frogfolk leader and can the heroes put an end to its diabolical machinations?

  • Denizens of the Reed Maze is an all-new 5E wilderness crawl adventure suitable for a group of 3rd level characters.
  • Contained herein are challenges to test the mettle of both seasoned players and neophytes.
  • In addition to detailed encounters in the swampy reed maze, this module contains a keyed frogfolk village, and a ruined shrine now controlled by the despicable new leader of the tribe, plus full 5E statistics on several varieties of frogfolk.

  • Dungeons And Dragons RPG: Module 20: One Night In The Sinister Citadel

    Dungeons And Dragons RPG: Module 20: One Night In The Sinister Citadel

    A level 2 adventure for 5E

    Set within an old citadel in the city of Broadgard is the Crylla Auction House. The Crylla clan are an eccentric merchant family of tieflings with a long history in the city. Many of Broadgard?s elite are highly anticipating the opening of the auction house. Its inaugural event is the sale of a plethora of enchanted items. Such prized commodities are sure to draw unsavory buyers and seedy undesirables, so extra security has been hired to secure the vault?including the heroes. But the citadel itself has many buried secrets, the local thieves? guild makes a run for the treasure, and one of the enchanted items has a mind of its own! Perhaps it will not be a quiet night for our heroes. What lurks in the citadel?s depths, and can the heroes survive? one night in the sinister citadel?

    Get out of the dungeon and into the city for a thrilling adventure! One Night in the Sinister Citadel is an all-new 5e urban-based adventure suitable for a group of 2nd-level characters. Skill with a blade is not always the answer, especially in the confines of city walls. The characters will also need timely sleuthing and a glib tongue to unravel the mystery behind the Crylla Auction House. This adventure is designed to be completed in a single session and includes a new spell as well as a bevy of new magic items.

    Dungeons And Dragons RPG: Module 21:Cursed Crones Of The Enchanted Grove

    Dungeons And Dragons RPG: Module 21:Cursed Crones Of The Enchanted Grove

    A level 1 adventure for 5E

    The village of Dreigrenzdal has an enormous problem! On the morning of the town?s annual Spring Market Festival, the chieftain of a clan of neighboring stone giants is found asleep in the town square. When all attempts to awaken the giant fail, the characters must venture into an enchanted grove called the Cradle Wood to search for answers. There, they are caught up in an ancient feud between a hag named Goodie Grimjaw and her wicked sisters.

    Can the heroes help Goodie maintain the sorcerous ritual that keeps her evil sisters in check? Or will the party fall prey to the machinations of Goodie?s cursed elder sisters, Gertie and Grizzie, and their steel-toothed, construct minions?

    The Cursed Crones of the Enchanted Grove is an all-new 5E wilderness crawl adventure suitable for an introductory group of 1st-level characters.

    Dungeons And Dragons RPG: Module 22: Caverns Of The Sea Strangers

    Dungeons And Dragons RPG: Module 22: Caverns Of The Sea Strangers

    A level 6 adventure for 5E

    Local magistrates hire your party to find a pirate captain, suddenly active again after having disappeared for many years. His trail leads to Catastrophe Rock, a barren island surrounded by a dangerous atoll known as a death trap for ships. You must brave the dangerous waterway, find the villain?s lair, and put an end to his days of plunder and killing!

    But is there something even more sinister behind the recent spate of pillaged ships? And what secrets may bold searchers find within the ancient caverns of Catastrophe Rock? How will you fare against the tricks, traps, and illusions of these master deceivers? What hope have you against the monstrous denizens and the Sea Strangers themselves? And how will you escape this lonely place to tell the tale?

    Caverns of the Sea Strangers is an all-new 5E sea adventure and dungeon crawl suitable for a group of 6th-level characters. The adventure contains a complete adventure, new monsters, and a magical artifact that might take your campaign in an entirely new and exciting direction.

    Dungeons And Dragons RPG: Module 23: The Sunless Garden

    Dungeons And Dragons RPG: Module 23: The Sunless Garden

    A level 7 adventure for 5E

    After arriving at the seemingly abandoned trading post of Garland?s Fork, the heroes discover to their horror that all of the inhabitants have been transformed into black trees! Upon further investigation, they find clues that lead them to the hidden lair of Nockmort, a treant corrupted to unspeakable evil. Nockmort has been transformed by the strange radiation of a recently discovered meteorite that has fallen from the heavens. The once benign tree folk is now twisted and evil, a diabolical force to be reckoned with! In order to save the town of Garland?s Fork, the heroes must enter his sunless garden and do battle with other mutant creatures. And along the way, they might just discover fabulous treasure?

    Remember the good old days, when adventures were underground, NPCs were there to be killed, and the finale of every dungeon was the dragon on the 20th level? Those days are back! This adventure doesn?t waste your time with long-winded speeches, convoluted backgrounds, weird campaign settings, or NPCs not designed to be defeated. This adventure is 100% good, solid dungeon crawl, with the monsters you know, the traps you remember, and the secret doors you know are concealed somewhere.

    The Sunless Garden is a 5E conversion of Dungeon Crawl Classics #10 by Goodman Games. Originally published in 2004, this classic has been updated to the fifth edition of the world?s most popular tabletop role-playing game. Herein you will find all new monsters, player handouts, details on the trading post of Garland?s Fork plus all new interior artwork and maps.

    Dungeons And Dragons RPG: Module 24: The Prism Of Redemption

    Dungeons And Dragons RPG: Module 24: The Prism Of Redemption

    A level 12 adventure for 5E

    Lady Leda Adelhorn is a fallen celestial, imprisoned in her ancestral estate on the peak of Mount Ontarr. Heroes are summoned to assist with her redemption by gathering numerous sacred gems to power an enchanted scepter. With the scepter fully restored, Lady Adelhorn can finally confront an evil dragon and regain favor with her deity, The Father of Dragons. It?s a race against time in a planar journey to collect the gems before it?s too late. But can the heroes overcome a fallen celestial?s pride and arrogance and win the day?

    The Prism of Redemption is an all-new fifth edition dungeon crawl adventure suitable for a group of four to six 12th-level characters. This adventure features planar hopping through a series of magical mirrors, facing a series of boss battles highlighting the unique rules of fifth edition play. This adventure was originally a two-round team tournament held in 2021 and includes the original scoring system to recreate a team competition. The adventure also contains an alternate start, presented for classical campaign play without the trappings of tournament play.

    Dungeons And Dragons RPG: Module 25: Seven Days Of The Serpent God

    Dungeons And Dragons RPG: Module 25: Seven Days Of The Serpent God

    A 6th-level adventure for 5E that can serve as a tie-in to the classic adventure Dark Tower.

    Set in the bustling city of Shadhalia during the largest open-air market in the realm, the Seven Days of Gold, this adventure pits the heroes against an ally of the Serpent God bent on recovering a powerful relic to unleash a diabolical curse.

    FEF #25: Seven Days of the Serpent God is an all-new 32-page softcover adventure, fully compatible with the fifth edition of the world?s first fantasy role playing game. This adventure is a perfect lead-in to a Dark Tower campaign, or can be easily dropped into your own campaign setting.

    Dungeons And Dragons RPG: Monsters And Magic Of Dark Tower

    Dungeons And Dragons RPG: Monsters And Magic Of Dark Tower

    Goodman Games presents a supplement for Fifth Edition Fantasy, Monsters & Magic of Dark Tower, a collection of new game material ready to add to your game.

    The diabolical forces of the serpent god Set clash with the Mitra?s faithful legions in the sandy wastes of the Lostlands. Herein, you will find new foes to battle, allies, recently rediscovered new enchantments, and wondrous magic items, unearthed from the wastes of the desert. All are presented in a ready-to-use fifth edition format.

    Monsters & Magic of Dark Tower is an all-new softcover collection new monsters, spells, and magic items, fully compatible with the fifth edition of the world?s first fantasy role playing game. This new material is perfect to import into a Dark Tower campaign, or any existing campaign with a desert theme.

    Dungeons And Dragons RPG: Monsters And Magic Of Lankhmar

    Dungeons And Dragons RPG: Monsters And Magic Of Lankhmar

    From the fog-shrouded streets of Lankhmar to your gaming table!

    Monsters and Magic of Lankhmar is filled with more terrible beasts and new magic than the pages of Skrith of the Scrolls, each presented in a ready-to-use fifth edition format. More than 20 new monsters and over 15 new spells and magical items are included here, each one from the fantastic stories of Fafhrd and the Gray Mouser, as written by world-renowned fantasy author, Fritz Leiber.

    Produced in cooperation with the Fritz Leiber Estate, Monsters and Magic of Lankhmar is the perfect way to introduce a dash of Lankhmar into your fifth edition campaign or to create adventures set in the world of Nehwon?all without the need of Ningauble?s Cave to do so! Get ready to venture to the land of Lankhmar and see what adventure awaits you and your players?

    Dungeons And Dragons RPG: Original Adventures Reincarnated #1: Into The Borderlands (Hardback) (On Order)

    Dungeons And Dragons RPG: Original Adventures Reincarnated #1: Into The Borderlands (Hardback) (On Order)

    The Borderlands. An untamed wild region far flung from the comforts and protection of civilization. A lone fortified Keep is the only bastion of Good desperately striving to maintain the forces of Chaos at bay. But Evil is everywhere, lurking in dark caves, fetid swamps, and forlorn forests. Bands of cutthroat brigands and ruthless tribes of humanoids eager to clash with the forces of Good rove the region. The Borderlands hold many secret wondrous locations, and the opportunities for fame, prestige, and fortune are plentiful. But equally abundant are the perils, risks, and challenges to those brave enough to explore the wilds.

    Sharpen your swords and axes. Purchase your iron rations and tinderboxes. And don?t forget at least one 10-foot pole. Adventure awaits those with the mettle to confront Chaos in the Borderlands! This tome is an homage to the origins of Adventure that began decades ago with B1: In Search of the Unknown and B2: The Keep on the Borderlands. Herein you will find high-quality scans from multiple printings of the original first edition adventure modules, plus commentary by such gaming luminaries as Luke Gygax and Mike Mearls. Full fifth edition conversions of both adventures are included, as well as brand new additional adventure locations to further expand and develop the Borderlands. This is a fully playable mini-campaign to start off your new fifth edition adventures, with a distinct old-school vibes.Hardcover, 384 pages. Includes 16-page full color cover gallery.

    Dungeons And Dragons RPG: Original Adventures Reincarnated #6: The Temple Of Elemental Evil (On Order)

    Dungeons And Dragons RPG: Original Adventures Reincarnated #6: The Temple Of Elemental Evil (On Order)

    Goodman Games expands its partnership with Wizards of the Coast with the sixth release in the Original Adventures Reincarnated line!

    The Village of Hommlet thrives again. Years ago, this quaint village nearly fell prey to a great, neighboring evil. The nearby Temple of Elemental Evil, a grand edifice of wickedness, was defeated after a great battle and thrown into ruin forever?or was it?

    Bandits have started to ride the roads again, and there are other ominous signs afoot. It is whispered that the demonic evil at the heart of the Temple was not truly conquered but merely imprisoned. Even now, agents of evil, malevolent beasts, and far worse creatures are conspiring to return the Temple to power and enslave the surrounding lands. Hommlet and the neighboring ruins may hold clues, but not everyone is to be trusted. Surely danger lies hidden in this idyllic region.

    Sharpen your swords and axes. Purchase your iron rations and tinderboxes. And don?t forget at least one 10-foot pole. Great adventure awaits those that dare confront the Temple of Elemental Evil!

    Dungeons And Dragons RPG: Original Adventures Reincarnated #7 - Dark Tower (3 Volume Slipcase Set) (On Order)

    Dungeons And Dragons RPG: Original Adventures Reincarnated #7 - Dark Tower (3 Volume Slipcase Set) (On Order)

    Goodman Games is proud to present Original Adventures Reincarnated #7: Dark Tower, updated and expanded from the 1979 classic for both 5E and DCC rules sets, and published as 3 volumes in a handsome slipcase. Ranked as one of the Top 30 adventure modules of all time, Dark Tower is considered by many to be the first mega-dungeon. It was one of the first modules to utilise the newley released (at the time) Advanced Dungeons and Dragons rulebooks, which authoer Jennell Jaquays incorporated into the original design.

    Dark Tower is an entire mega-dungeon forming a mini-campaign with many hours of classic-style old school adventure - now completely converted into 5th Edition rules sets!

    The adventure is designed for character levels 7-8, and players can expect to gain several levels of experience by the end of their adventures in the Dark Tower.

    Volume one of the three-volume slipcase contains a reprint of the original Dark Tower Adventure from 1979, plus introductory essays by John Rateliff, Eric Mona, Justin Alexander, James Maliszewski, Jon "Taco" Hershberger, Stephen Newton, and others.

    Volume two contains a conversion of Dark Tower to 5E rules. This hardcover converts the village of Mitra's Fist, all four levels of the dungeon, the White Tower of Mitra, the Dark Tower of Set, Redmoon Pass, the Lostlands Gazetteer, and more. It contains new monsters, NPCs, player handouts, spells and magic items, as well as new content such as expanded wilderness encounters, two new small mini-dungeons, and pregenerated characters.

    Volume three is the Chosen Sons of Set published in 5E rules. Expanding on concepts presented in the original adventure, this new material allows you to build a mini-campaign in the Lostlands centered around Dark Tower. Each of the included scenarios is built around one of the villainous Chosen Sons of Set, horrid reptilian creatures trying to destroy Mitra and the forces of good. This hardcover also includes rules for creating your own Chosen Sons of Set, as well as a variety of new monsters, NPCs, spells, magic items, and more.

    GM Gems - A Tome Of Inspiration For Fantasy Game Masters

    GM Gems - A Tome Of Inspiration For Fantasy Game Masters

    GM Gems is filled with a wealth of information and ideas to empower every aspect of your game. Never run boring, vanilla games and never be caught flat-footed!

    This updated hardcover edition is systems-neutral yet uses DCC RPG stat blocks when default rules are required. The updated hardcover edition features amazing new cover art by legendary TSR artist Laura Lakey. The completely new layout includes new interior illustrations by Stefan Poag in addition to the originals by William McAusland, plus a two-page spread on the endsheets by OSR favorite Peter Mullen.

    GM Gems is written by veteran game masters, and includes:

  • Alchemical Mishaps
  • Empty Rooms Worth Describing
  • Extraordinary Campsites
  • Familiar Creatures with Unfamiliar Faces
  • Short Encounters for Short Attention Spans
  • Unique Taverns and Inns
  • Unusual Holidays
  • 100 Unique Treasures
  • And much, much more!

    Rules Set: Systems-neutral, designed to be used with any RPG, using DCC RPG for default rules where necessary.

  • Goodman Games Gen Con 2015 Program Guide

    Goodman Games Gen Con 2015 Program Guide

    Goodman Games Gen Con 2015 Program Book

    The Goodman Games Gen Con Program Guide is back for the third year in a row! This massive collection of old-school RPG awesomeness includes new material for DCC RPG, Metamorphosis Alpha, Xcrawl, and every other product line supported by Goodman Games! Within these pages are four adventures for DCC RPG, new devices and mutations for Metamorphosis Alpha, interviews with Doug Kovacs and Lou Zocchi, Archmage Abby, fiction in the Xcrawl universe, full color pages of photos and art, a special preview of Mutant Crawl Classics, and so much more!

    Goodman Games Gen Con 2016 Program Guide: Metamorphosis Alpha 40th Anniversary

    Goodman Games Gen Con 2016 Program Guide: Metamorphosis Alpha 40th Anniversary

    One of the most popular releases of the year returns for the fourth year in a row! The Goodman Games Gen Con Program Guide is an annual compilation of one-off materials for fans of Dungeon Crawl Classics, Metamorphosis Alpha, and everything else Goodman Games publishes. This year?s huge 160-page issue includes these articles:

  • A 36-page-long full-color illustrated interview with legendary TSR artist Erol Otus.
  • Three new DCC RPG adventures, including the new 0-level funnel Not In Kansas Anymore, plus the Gen Con 2015 spell duel tournament Way of the Dagon, and the new level 0 funnel Death by Nexus.
  • Brand-new fiction in the style of Appendix N.
  • An article celebrating the 40th anniversary of Metamorphosis Alpha, with four new ?tables of 40? by creator James M. Ward.
  • Several articles with new material for DCC RPG games, including 1970?s 0-level characters, new magic items, and a new patron.
  • Reports from the road from the last year, including con recaps and Road Crew games.
  • And much, much more!
  • Goodman Games Gencon 2017 Program Guide: Dinosaur Crawl Classics

    Goodman Games Gencon 2017 Program Guide: Dinosaur Crawl Classics

    Yes, this IS the sourcebook that includes the rules for Dinosaur Crawl Classics, the DCC conversion you heard about it!

    One of the most popular releases of the year returns for the fifth year in a row! The Goodman Games Gen Con Program Guide is an annual compilation of one-off materials for fans of Dungeon Crawl Classics, and everything else Goodman Games publishes.

    Grimtooth's Tomb Of The Warhammer

    Grimtooth's Tomb Of The Warhammer

    Can you go where no troll dares to tread? Long ago, the elves killed Grimtooth?s father in a great battle. They hid the troll leader?s body and his mystic warhammer somewhere in the vast plains beyond Trapsylvania. After years of searching, Grimtooth has finally located his father?s tomb, but the elves have magically rigged it so that no troll can enter. Now Grimtooth is looking for a party of foolhardy adventurers to enter Grimfang?s Tomb and return with the legendary warhammer?

    Grimtooths Trapsylvania (Hardcover)

    Grimtooths Trapsylvania (Hardcover)

    Your solid hardback edition!

    For the first time ever: the Legendary locations of Grimtooth?s Traps revealed! And fully compatible with DCC RPG! For over 30 years Grimtooth?s numerous Traps books have horrified players and inspired gamemasters with hundreds of dangerous devices, deadly deathtraps and hilarious hijinx! Now Grimtooth (with a little help from kid sister Grimtina) will take you on a personally guided tour of his realm and the central hub of his vast Traps empire.

    Run your own Grimtooth campaign or pick and choose locations you can use in your own single location adventures. Explore Grimtooth?s caverns, visit his Inner Sanctum, escape the Deathmaze Testing Center, attend Warthog?s School for Trolls, take a ride on Grimtooth?s Airship, tour Grimtina?s Petting Zoo or get lost in the Infinite Corridor of Hallways and many more gigantic places of doom.

    Each of these infamous locations include maps, descriptions, Non-player character details, scenarios, all with in-depth DCC stats and lots of art by Traps artist SS Crompton. And can you uncover the horrendous secret that lies deep beneath Grimtooth?s caverns and back into his family?s history? It?s a great read and a useful campaign setting all in one book. What are you waiting for?

    Grimtooths Trapsylvania (Softcover)

    Grimtooths Trapsylvania (Softcover)

    Your standard softcover edition!

    For the first time ever: the Legendary locations of Grimtooth?s Traps revealed! And fully compatible with DCC RPG! For over 30 years Grimtooth?s numerous Traps books have horrified players and inspired gamemasters with hundreds of dangerous devices, deadly deathtraps and hilarious hijinx! Now Grimtooth (with a little help from kid sister Grimtina) will take you on a personally guided tour of his realm and the central hub of his vast Traps empire.

    Run your own Grimtooth campaign or pick and choose locations you can use in your own single location adventures. Explore Grimtooth?s caverns, visit his Inner Sanctum, escape the Deathmaze Testing Center, attend Warthog?s School for Trolls, take a ride on Grimtooth?s Airship, tour Grimtina?s Petting Zoo or get lost in the Infinite Corridor of Hallways and many more gigantic places of doom.

    Each of these infamous locations include maps, descriptions, Non-player character details, scenarios, all with in-depth DCC stats and lots of art by Traps artist SS Crompton. And can you uncover the horrendous secret that lies deep beneath Grimtooth?s caverns and back into his family?s history? It?s a great read and a useful campaign setting all in one book. What are you waiting for?

    Judges Guild Deluxe Collector's Edition Volume 2

    Judges Guild Deluxe Collector's Edition Volume 2

    Goodman Games is pleased to present the biggest RPG sourcebook you have seen!

    In the earliest days of role-playing, Bob Bledsaw Sr. and Bill Owen co-founded Judges Guild in Decatur, Illinois to publish products compatible with Dungeons & Dragons. When their first product debuted at Gen Con 1976, it heralded the next chapter in the Golden Age of RPG publishing. Judges Guild introduced the concept of the adventure module, among many other innovations, and changed the course of Dungeons & Dragons play.

    This second volume of the deluxe oversized hardcover series contains three iconic Judges Guild adventure modules: The Book of Treasure Maps, The Caverns of Thracia, and Dark Tower. All three titles are presented in their original form. They have been scanned directly from original printings, then digitally cleaned and restored, to present the highest possible quality.

    This volume also includes full reproductions of the first 6 issues of The Dungeoneer. These Golden Age zines have never before been reprinted in their original format.

    Judges Guild Originals: Citadel Of Fire

    Judges Guild Originals: Citadel Of Fire

    ,p>In cooperation with Judges Guild, Goodman Games is pleased to present the original Citadel of Fire! Published in the same 1E rules set as the original edition, this volume is scanned from an original printing.

    It also includes new material by Michael Curtis, fully authorized by the Judges Guild: a newly-created random table that determines the contents of a wizard's or alchemist's workshop, suitable for use in ransacking the Alchemist's Laboratory (Level D, Room #3) or the Wizard's Workshop (Level E, Room #2). Citadel of Fire also includes a second new chapter which provides more detail and game statistics on the eight apprentices of Yrammag which are briefly described within the original adventure.

    Metamorphosis Alpha RPG: Doom On The Warden Gold Foil Edition

    Metamorphosis Alpha RPG: Doom On The Warden Gold Foil Edition

    This is the limited-edition gold foil cover for Doom on the Warden! Legendary game designer James M. Ward brings you Doom on the Warden, a Metamorphosis Alpha adventure of horror in space. The adventure includes pre-generated characters, and is playable as part of a campaign or as stand-alone play. Doom on the Warden is a new frontier for Metamorphosis Alpha, in both style and substance, and for the first time the pre-generated characters include wolfoids!

    Written for the original 1976 edition of Metamorphosis Alpha, this adventure expands on the mysterious involvement of Earthƒ??s military aboard the starship Warden. There is new information on what happened in the Wardenƒ??s early days. Unraveling the mystery sends the characters through 4 distinct geographical regions, into the secret military command dome, and beyond. Along the way, they will be confronted by threats old and new across 54 possible encounter areas.

    Tales From The Magicians Skull #11

    Tales From The Magicians Skull #11

    Behold the wonders of Tales From the Magician?s Skull #11!

    Strange realms of horror and adventure lay in the pages ahead, spun to life by master tale tellers recruited by The Skull himself for your entertainment! Do not delay in the expression of your joy; instead, shout from your rooftops and tell all you know of his magnificent accomplishments!

    Eight new narratives fill the pages of issue #11 and include material crafted from these yarns for the Dungeon Crawl Classics role-playing game.

    Tales From the Magician?s Skull is the premiere magazine of sword-and-sorcery fiction, providing all-new stories from some of the industry?s top writers.

    Tales From The Magicians Skull #8

    Tales From The Magicians Skull #8

    Cease your wailing, mortal dogs, for once more I have granted your fondest wishes and returned with fantastic tales of sword-and-sorcery! No more must you pace forlornly before your mailbox waiting for salvation only I can deliver, contenting yourself with the reading of street signs and the backs of cereal boxes! Now that you hold my peerless magazine in your hands once more, it is time to be transported to realms of wonder!

    Your praise has reached me, and I am somewhat pleased. While the limerick was of questionable merit, three of the odes were quite fine, and the concerto for trombone and guitar brought me true delight. I expect more and greater tribute in the weeks to come! Tales From The Magician's Skull is a magazine of all-new swords sorcery fiction. Issue #8 features cover art by legendary fantasy artist Ken Kelly.

    Tales From The Magicians Skull #9

    Tales From The Magicians Skull #9

    Cease your wailing, mortal dogs, for once more I have granted your fondest wishes and returned with fantastic tales of sword-and-sorcery! No more must you pace forlornly before your mailbox waiting for salvation only I can deliver, contenting yourself with the reading of street signs and the backs of cereal boxes! Now that you hold my peerless magazine in your hands once more, it is time to be transported to realms of wonder!

    Your praise has reached me, and I am somewhat pleased. While the limerick was of questionable merit, three of the odes were quite fine, and the concerto for trombone and guitar brought me true delight. I expect more and greater tribute in the weeks to come!

    Tales From The Magician?s Skull is a magazine of all-new swords & sorcery fiction. Issue #9 features cover art by legendary fantasy artist Sanjulian.

    NOW WITH ePUB! Tales From the Magician?s Skull #9 is also available in ePub format. It is included with a print purchase of the latest issue, or available as a stand-alone item.

    Let?s look at the table of contents!


  • Three Festivals by James Enge
  • A Tale of Morlock Ambrosius
  • Kalx, brazen defender of the city, had left a trail of ruins in his wake. Morlock followed the trail until he passed the border of the city ? the line that Zlynth had called the pomerium. By the time Morlock caught up to the brazen monster, Kalx was already outlined in scarlet flames, fighting a cloud of Furies.
  • The Raven-Feeder?s Tower by Philip Brian Hall
  • The skeleton was held upright by a tall stake driven deep into the ground, to which support its spine was fixed by leather bonds. The breastplate covered bare white ribs and the helmet?s visor protected merely the empty eye-sockets of a morbidly-grinning skull.
  • Blue Achernar by Tais Teng
  • An Homage to Clark Ashton Smith
  • Lady Magida had slept in the tombs of magicians so feared that their names had never been written down, walking into their death-dreams, leafing through their grimoires that had long ago turned to dust. When she strode through the necropolises the gh–ls fled like whimpering hares.
  • Pawns? Gambit by Nathan Long
  • A Tale of Fafhrd and the Gray Mouser
  • The monks howled at this violation of their sacred place, and Mouser saw he had been incorrect when he had thought them all unarmed. From every sleeve sprang a dagger, and they held them high as they rushed to encircle him.
  • Orphan Maker by S.E. Lindberg
  • ?It is her time to sacrifice,? Ingrid explained while adjusting her mother?s hair. ?Ma resisted. She escaped from the Bleeding Tree.? She laughed while shrugging. ?But her blood is stronger than her faith!?
  • The Necromancer and the Forgotten Hero by D.M. Ritzlin
  • The wound was still fresh, but not a drop of blood escaped from it. Hyallbor wondered what sort of necro- mantical energies were sustaining him.
  • The Glass Dragon by David Gullen
  • Rhayder staggered grey-skinned from the mouth of a labyrinth of seventy-seven turns wielding a felling axe with a head of star-forged iron.


  • The Monster Pit by Terry Olson
  • Enter the monster pit! Down here in the pit, we provide tabletop RPG fans with playable DCC RPG game statistics for the creatures in this issue of Tales From The Magician?s Skull.
  • The Skull Speaks by The Skull Himself
  • The Dungeon Alphabet Expanded: An A-to-Z Reference for Classic Dungeon Design (On Order)

    The Dungeon Alphabet Expanded: An A-to-Z Reference for Classic Dungeon Design (On Order)

    The Dungeon Alphabet

    An A-to-Z Reference for Classic Dungeon Design

    Now updated to the same text as the fourth printing! This newly expanded version with 16 pages of additional content!

    Designing dungeons is as easy as A, B, C! The Dungeon Alphabet compiles twenty-six classic dungeon design elements in one place to assist the game master in creating subterranean challenges. A is for Altar, B is for Books, and C is for Caves: The Dungeon Alphabet has advice, hints, and randomized tables that bring new life to your adventures. Suitable for any rules system, the entries are accompanied by outstanding art from classic fantasy illustrators, with a foreword by noted game designer Zeb Cook.